Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Title Here.

First off I would like to say that this is the best Halloween costume, ever:

Anyways, I have been following Banksy Street Art for quite some time now, he is like the Spider Man of tagging.

My current favorite:


Well, you will all come to realize my undying devotion and love for cupcakes. It isn't just because they taste good, they are fun to make, fun to decorate and a mini artistic creation that can be destroyed in a matter of seconds. Then I came across this:

BANKSY CUPCAKE! Now that is a cupcake that would be hard to eat. Unless me not eating it meant nobody would eat it, therefore sitting there uneaten. Sad, moist, creamy, fluffy. *NOM*

Also, I suggest you go and listen to Discovery's cover of "I Want You Back". I usually hate it when people try and re-make MJ's music but this isn't your typical carbon copy kind of re make. Listen now!

Sweet dreams.

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