Sunday, June 13, 2010

Nostalgia 2.0

Lately I have been taken over by nostalgia and thinking back to the 'good ol' days' of childhood. I mean really, shit was so easy back then and we didn't have to worry about a damn thing. And it sucks because all we wanted to do was grow up. And we did grow up. Now we want pieces of our childhood back.

Let me tell you a couple stories from my childhood:

They were puffy, they were cool, and everyone wanted one. At least in Minneapolis. The glorious Starter jackets. YOU KNOW you wanted one. The ghetto tom boy in me yearned for the Dallas Cowboys Starter jacket. I foamed at the mouth imagining going to school with my Reebok's, acid wash jeans, baggy Nike shirt, and my Starter jacket! I was a walking damn 90's advertisement. I swear everyone went through a ghetto phase. Or as I call it the "Mexican girl" look. Slicked back hair, penciled in lips, baggy shirts, high tops. And to top it all off I had eyebrows the size of Martin Scorsese's.

Guess what? Karlee got her jacket. Then Karlee got her ass kicked in the alley and they took a switch blade to the logo on the back and shoved me in the muddy snow and ran off. Did I mention Karlee didn't live in the best of neighborhoods when she was a youngin? Hard knocks, mofos. Hard. Knocks.

.....remember when I said I miss the good ol' days because we didn't have to worry about anything? Fuck that noise. I had a bloody nose and a bruised my tail bone. I decided to not like the Dallas Cowboys anymore. Maybe, just maybe the football gods were teaching me a lesson. Don't like the Dallas Cowboys, Cris Carter went to your Kwanzaa production at school and you were head speaker (yes, a chubby short white girl, AWESOME) and you tripped and fell off stage and who caught you? Oh yeah, Chris fucking Carter. You should of taken that as a sign that you should turn into a Vikings fan. But no. NO KARLEE, you had to wait until you got your ass kicked. Smart.

Lesson learned, never buy sports merchandise and wear it out in public. That experience alone made me change my dressing habits, thank goodness.(I wish it taught me to pluck my eyebrows, but that came later in life. When I was around 15.)
I remember vaguely that I started dressing girly. Also, *NSYNC just started becoming famous and I realized that yes, I do like boys. And naturally I fantasized about the gay one. Story of my life.

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