Tuesday, June 22, 2010


WARNING: I have been running on 5 hours of sleep the past two days. Anything I say does not, I repeat DOES NOT represent me and my mental state in day-to-day circumstances. Only the funny and witty parts represent me, not the parts that might sound like I've had a few too many. This quite possibly might be too difficult to decipher between the two. That is a secondary warning. See now I'm rambling.


I was in my garage rummaging around looking through boxes I didn't even unpack during the last move, finding some hilarious stuff. I really forgot how obsessed I was with *NSYNC in my teen years. But then I started listening to Dashboard and Weezer and grew metaphorical good-music-taste balls....or something.


I wanted to take a break and lay outside and get some sun kisses. So I did just that on our lovely crab grass. Not the best thing to lay on, very itchy.

I settle onto the crab grass getting as comfortable as I can shutting my eyes, smelling the damp humid air and feeling of the humidity take grasp of my skin, breathing in the thick air and feeling the sun leave its marks across the bridge of my nose and cheeks. Then all a sudden I start hearing this humming/buzz noise. For a second I thought someone was blaring a replay of a soccer match played earlier in the day. I tilt my head up seeing a beehive attached to the lower part of the house. How close was it you ask? The proximity of said beehive was raping my 'personal space'....let's just put it that way.

Thousands of mini winged-and-sharp-butt'ed-vuvuzela's within feet from my body. I panic laying there frozen since not even an hour earlier I had a peanut butter and honey sandwich.

(they would automatically think my mouth is the entrance to their hive of doom)

"Maybe if I don't move, they won't see me" I think to myself. "Kind of like a dinosaur" mumbling to myself, reassuring I'll be fine and not get all Macaulay Culkin'd. I got bored with being dramatic so I got up and booked it inside. Pretty simple right?

Needless to say,I'm kind of happy I'm moving. There has been too many close encounters with winged creatures at my current place of residence.



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